Solid Waste 12 PDH Discount Package
Courses in this Package
An Introduction to Sanitary Landfills (C02-018)
An Introduction to Solid Waste Incineration (C04-024)
Biosolids Management Technologies (C06-008)

This online engineering PDH course provides an introduction to the planning and design of sanitary landfills including dry and wet landfills, site selection, site development plans, site layout, trench design, leachate control and treatment, gas control, runoff control, support facilities, and landfill closure issues.
The main advantage of a sanitary landfill is that handling and processing of refuse is kept to a minimum. Handling is limited to the pickup and transport of the waste, the spreading of refuse, and covering with a suitable cover material.
New technologies that can produce a closed landfill system, a self contained system resulting in very little impact on the surrounding environment, have resulted in more restrictive legislation and regulations for sanitary landfills. Therefore, site selection and proper landfill design are considered the most important factors in the refuse disposal process.
This 2 PDH online course is intended for all engineers, design professionals, construction and solid waste operational personnel who are engaged in the planning, design and operation of sanitary landfills.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Learn about the applications and characteristics of dry and wet landfills.
- Learn about the two most commonly used methods of operating a landfill.
- Learn about landfill site selection issues associated with nearby airports, wetlands, seismic impact zones, unstable areas, cover, existing site utilities and access.
- Learn what features must be incorporated into landfill site development plans, and accompanying plans and narratives required to fully characterize the landfill site planning, design, operation and closure.
- Learn the fundamentals of landfill trench design.
- Learn the fundamentals of landfill cover requirements to minimize infiltration and erosion.
- Learn about leachate, runoff, and gas control and sanitary landfills.
In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review the course document titled: "An Introduction to Sanitary Landfills".
Upon successful completion of the quiz, print your Certificate of Completion instantly. (Note: if you are paying by check or money order, you will be able to print it after we receive your payment.) For your convenience, we will also email it to you. Please note that you can log in to your account at any time to access and print your Certificate of Completion.

This online engineering PDH course will introduce you to the basic principles and practices of solid waste incineration including classification and characterization of solid waste, oxidation fundamentals, the mechanisms of combustion, and combustion process control. You will learn about heating values of wastes and fuels, the basic chemistry of oxidation, stoichiometry, air control, the four phases of primary combustion, secondary combustion, mass burn systems, process control, and the effect of air control on emissions. This course will give you a foundation to move forward and address solid waste incineration issues in your company or agency activities.
Incineration is a controlled combustion process for reducing solid, liquid, or gaseous combustible wastes primarily to carbon dioxide, water vapor, other gases, and a relatively small, noncombustible residue that can be further processed or land-filled in an environmentally acceptable manner. The incineration of solid waste involves a sequence of steps in the primary process, which includes drying, volatilization, combustion of fixed carbon, and burnout of char of the solids, which is followed by a secondary process, the combustion of the vapors, gases, and particulates driven off during the primary process.
This 4 PDH online course is intended for environmental, industrial, chemical and mechanical engineers, as well as, maintenance personnel and construction professionals interested in learning about solid waste incineration.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Learning the definition and description of the combustion process
- Learning the descriptions and basic properties of the four principal types of waste
- Learning the heating values of residential, municipal and commercial waste
- Learning about the effect of moisture on heating values
- Learning the basic chemistry of oxidation
- Learning about the two major combustible chemical elements of significance
- Learning about the two chemical elements that cause pollution and corrosion in waste incineration
- Learning about the stoichiometric ratio and how it is employed in waste incineration analysis
- Learning the effects of excess air in the waste incineration process
In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review the course document titled, "An Introduction to Solid Waste Incineration".
Upon successful completion of the quiz, print your Certificate of Completion instantly. (Note: if you are paying by check or money order, you will be able to print it after we receive your payment.) For your convenience, we will also email it to you. Please note that you can log in to your account at any time to access and print your Certificate of Completion.

This online engineering PDH course provides information on new technologies entering the market, including conditioning, thickening, stabilization, dewatering, thermal conversion and drying of biosolids. It presents the state of development, available cost information, associated contact names, and related data sources for each technology.
Biosolids are the organic materials resulting from treatment and processing of wastewater. Biosolids are also referred to as sewage sludge. Sewage sludge regulations continue to reduce options for disposal, and rising energy costs are causing a new wave of technologies to be introduced into this market. Wastewater treatment plants and engineers are involved with evaluating the latest and best technologies for this changing industry.
The 6 PDH online course is intended for civil and environmental engineers, as well as for students with basic wastewater treatment knowledge or for technical professionals that need to evaluate new and emerging alternative biosolids management technologies.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Understanding the general requirements of the USEPA Clean Water Act
- Learning about the new and emerging biosolids treatment technologies
- Familiarizing with the energy and beneficial use considerations for biosolids
- Learning about the support information for choosing alternative technologies
In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review the EPA publication "Emerging Technologies for Biosolids Management", (EPA 832-R-06-005), September 2006.
Upon successful completion of the quiz, print your Certificate of Completion instantly. (Note: if you are paying by check or money order, you will be able to print it after we receive your payment.) For your convenience, we will also email it to you. Please note that you can log in to your account at any time to access and print your Certificate of Completion.