Nebraska Construction Safety and Ethics 7 PDH Discount Package 1
Courses in this Package
Personal Protective Equipment (T03-003)
Underground Construction Safety (C03-014)
Engineering Ethics for Nebraska Professional Engineers (NE1-001)

This online engineering PDH course addesses Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) types, selection and training, as well as conducting a hazard assessment of the workplace.
Hazards exist in every workplace in many different scenarios: sharp edges, falling objects, flying sparks, chemicals, noise and a myriad of other potentially dangerous situations. Controlling a hazard at its source is the best way to protect employees. Depending on the hazard or workplace conditions, OSHA recommends the use of engineering or work practice controls to manage or eliminate hazards to the greatest extent possible. Therefore, OSHA developed the Personal Protection Equipment Standard to protect employees from workplace hazards that can cause injury.
This 3 PDH online course is applicable to all engineers, employers, building owners, facility managers, and all personnel working on construction projects.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Understanding the types of personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Knowing the basics of conducting a "hazard assessment" of the workplace
- Selecting the appropriate PPE for a variety of circumstances
- Understanding what kind of training is needed for the proper use and care of PPE
In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review OSHA 3151-12R, "Personal Protective Equipment".
Upon successful completion of the quiz, print your Certificate of Completion instantly. (Note: if you are paying by check or money order, you will be able to print it after we receive your payment.) For your convenience, we will also email it to you. Please note that you can log in to your account at any time to access and print your Certificate of Completion.

This online engineering PDH course summarizes OSHA's regulations related to underground construction.
The construction of underground tunnels, shafts, chambers, and passageways are essential yet dangerous activities. Working under reduced light conditions, difficult or limited access and egress, with the potential for exposure to air contaminants and the hazards of fire and explosion, underground construction workers face many dangers. OSHA recognizes that working in underground environments presents serious hazards to all workers involved. Therefore OSHA developed the underground construction standard to protect the safety and health of underground construction workers.
This 3 PDH online course is applicable to employers/business owners, engineers, managers, construction workers and all other personnel involved with underground construction projects.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Knowing the construction operations covered by the OSHA regulations
- Familiarizing with the training, notification and communications requirements
- Understanding the site access and ground support procedures
- Understanding the ventilation, illumination and air monitoring requirements
- Learning the special conditions for underground drilling and blasting
- Learning the special requirements for using underground cranes and hoists
- Understanding the hazards that require special precautions and emergency procedures
In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review OSHA, 3115-06R, "Underground Construction".
Upon successful completion of the quiz, print your Certificate of Completion instantly. (Note: if you are paying by check or money order, you will be able to print it after we receive your payment.) For your convenience, we will also email it to you. Please note that you can log in to your account at any time to access and print your Certificate of Completion.

This online engineering PDH course presents the laws and rules of ethics and professional responsibility governing the practice of engineering in the State of Nebraska. Title 110, Chapter 5, “Code of Practice”, of the Nebraska Rules and Regulations of the Rules, which relate to the laws and rules of profession conduct are presented in this course.
Engineering ethics is (1) the study of moral issues and decisions confronting individuals and organizations involved in engineering and (2) the study of related questions about moral conduct, character, ideals and relationships of peoples and organizations involved in technological development (Martin and Schinzinger, Ethics in Engineering).
Since engineers are faced with frequent moral and ethical dilemmas while practicing their engineering profession, this course will provide you with moral and ethical guidance in your decision making process. Most importantly, it will provide you with insight on how to conduct, respect and protect your engineering practice with the utmost professionalism.
This 1 PDH online course is applicable to Professional Engineers licensed in the State of Nebraska and who are required to demonstrate continuing professional competency in engineering ethics as a condition of their license renewal. For each renewal period, every licensee must complete thirty (30) professional development hours, at least one (1) of which must be relative to the principals of professional responsibility, conduct and ethics.
This PE continuing education engineering course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Understanding the Nebraska laws and rules regulating the practice of engineering in the State of Nebraska and their application to Professional Engineers
- Understanding the rules of professional conduct and responsibility, code of practice and engineering ethics
- Familiarizing with the Nebraska Board disciplinary process and the various violations and corresponding penalties imposed by the board
In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review the course document titled “Engineering Ethics for Nebraska Professional Engineers”.
Once you complete your course review, you need to take a multiple-choice quiz consisting of ten (10) questions to earn 1 PDH credit. The quiz will be based on the entire course document.
Upon successful completion of the quiz, print your Certificate of Completion instantly. (Note: if you are paying by check or money order, you will be able to print it after we receive your payment.) For your convenience, we will also email it to you. Please note that you can log in to your account at any time to access and print your Certificate of Completion.