Preventing Wrong-Way Driving on Freeways

This online engineering PDH course identifies the contributing factors to wrong-way crashes on freeways and develops promising, cost-conscious countermeasures to reduce these driving errors and their related crashes. Factors found to be significant are alcohol impairment, age, gender, physical condition, driver's experience and knowledge, time of day, and interchange type. Vehicle type, seat belt use, lighting, roadway alignment, driver age group, first vehicle contact point, and driver condition (blood alcohol concentration level) are shown to have an impact on crash severity. Types of countermeasures such as signage, pavement markings, geometric design, and ITS vehicle detection systems are discussed. Applications to twelve specific interchanges are presented.
Driving the wrong way on freeways has been a consistent traffic safety problem since the interstate system was opened in the 1950s. From 1996 to 2000 alone, over 1,700 people were killed and thousands more were injured in wrong-way crashes in the United States. The average direct economic loss from such crashes is estimated to be over ten million dollars per year.
This 6 PDH online course is intended for civil and transportation engineers, design professionals, construction personnel and others concerned with the design and operation of highways.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
Recognizing the various components of a traffic signal detection system
Knowing the effect of detector length and location on signal operation
Understanding the advantages of non-locking operation
Recognizing the various types of underground and overhead detection
Understanding how to calculate the inductance of a loop assembly
Familiarizing with the steps involved in loop installation and testing
Knowing how to provide dilemma zone protection through detection design
Understanding the basic of pedestrian detection
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