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Material Properties and Corrosion

COURSE NO: T06-001
Material Properties and Corrosion
Course Highlights

This online engineering PDH course discusses the properties and behavior of materials, including stress and strain, thermal expansion, ductility, brittleness, creep, fatigue failure and more.


The purpose of this course is to briefly introduce several material properties and failure modes. A better understanding of these failure mechanisms will enable more appropriate decisions when selecting materials for a particular application. Even a basic knowledge and awareness can help design engineers to be better equipped in delaying or preventing the failure of a material or component.


Some general causes for failure are structural loading, wear, corrosion, and latent defects. Because most engineering materials contain discontinuities most metal fatigue cracks initiate from discontinuities in highly stressed regions of the component. Failure can occur in systems with moving or non-moving parts. In systems with moving parts, friction often leads to material degradation such as wear, and collisions between two components can result in surface or more extensive material damage. Systems with non-moving parts are also prone to material failure, especially when certain types of materials operate over a broad range of pressures and are subjected to extreme temperature changes or to high energy radiation environments.


This 6 PDH online course is applicable to mechanical, nuclear and industrial engineers, design professionals, facility managers and operators who are interested in gaining a better understanding of the properties and corrosion of material.

Learning Objectives

This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • Understanding the terms as they relate to materials: mechanical stress and strain, hoop stress, thermal expansion, differential thermal expansion, thermal shock & residual stress
  • Understanding factors which cause mechanical and thermal stress in a component and the consequences of exceeding stress limits in materials
  • Understanding why heating and cool down rates are limited
  • Defining the following properties of materials: ductility, brittleness & nil-ductility transition
  • Learning the differences between ductile and brittle fracture
  • Understanding why a material exhibiting a ductile/brittle transition temperature has operating limitations with respect to temperature
  • Learning about creep as it relates to materials
  • Understanding why a large shaft becomes deformed when at rest and why rolling a large shaft prior to operation reduces the deformation
  • Understanding fatigue failure and work hardening
  • Learning about the chemically induced damage to a material subjected to corrosive environment
  • Understanding the effects of radiation on common materials such as metals, plastics and alloys
Course Document

In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review the technical document tilted, "Materials" (Volume 1) of the CNSC Training Course "Science & Reactor Fundamentals" which was extracted from Canteach knowledge repository (Doc# 20030301).

To view, print and study the course document, please click on the following link(s):
Material Properties and Corrosion (1.5 MB)
Course Quiz
Once you complete your course review, you need to take a multiple-choice quiz consisting of thirty (30) questions to earn 6 PDH credits. The quiz will be based only on this technical document.
The minimum passing score is 70%. There is no time limit on the quiz, and you can take it multiple times until you pass at no additional cost.
Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the quiz, print your Certificate of Completion instantly. (Note: if you are paying by check or money order, you will be able to print it after we receive your payment.) For your convenience, we will also email it to you. Please note that you can log in to your account at any time to access and print your Certificate of Completion.

To buy the course and take the quiz, please click on: