Introduction to Green Streets

This online engineering PDH course introduces the reader to green infrastructure practices for streets.
Urbanization inevitably causes some degree of disturbance and compaction of the soil, the loss of vegetation density, impacts to natural habitats and the creation of impervious surfaces. In urban areas, pavement (roads, sidewalks, and parking) frequently accounts for over 66-percent of the total imperviousness. Impervious pavement has a tremendous effect on the water quality and quantity of water delivered to receiving waters. Methods are frequently sought to mitigate the effects of streets in new and existing development. Green street practices provide the opportunity to alleviate the hydrologic impacts of streets, as well as the opportunity to improve water quality, habitat, infiltration, and aesthetics on a site.
Green streets are a suite of tools that have the goal of improving water quality, while mimicking predevelopment hydrology. Green street practices are one of the most versatile and important green infrastructure practices. Some green street practices include: permeable pavement, vegetated swales, bioretention, alternative street design, sidewalk trees, and tree boxes. These green street practices, if designed installed and maintained properly, can transform urban impacts into a creative method to provide transportation needs while balancing environmental concerns.
This 2 PDH online course is intended for practicing engineers, contractors, developers, governmental agencies, regulators, and all other personnel involved with the design, installation, and maintenance of streets.
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Understanding the impacts of typical urban roads/sidewalks/and parking lots
- Learning about the goals of green street practices
- Learning about the types of green street practices
- Understanding the benefits and hurdles of various green street practices
- Learning about successful green street case studies
In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review the EPA publication titled, "Green Streets" (EPA-833-F-08-009).
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